Download Exam4 (EMEA)

Here you can download Exam4 for June 2024 ADIT exams taking place in the EMEA region.

Download Exam4

To download Exam4 ahead of your June 2024 exams, click on the corresponding Windows or MacOS download link:

Your download link is specific to you, so must not be shared with other students. It is only valid for the June 2024 ADIT exam session, and you will need to download this version even if you have previously sat ADIT or any other exams using Exam4.

You should aim to download, install and test Exam4 on your device by Tuesday 28 May, well in advance of your exam.

Why should I test Exam4 in advance?

Exam4 is designed with simplicity in mind, with a proven track record for reliability and student satisfaction. If you experience any issues when using Exam4, it will almost certainly be due to an issue relating to your individual device - such issues may include your device not meeting the Exam4 IT specifications, lack of memory storage, other software (such as anti-virus or corporate monitoring software) interfering with Exam4, or the presence of a firewall or VPN. You can find more details in our troubleshooting guide

In order to resolve any issues in advance of your exam, and also ensure that you are familiar with the 'look and feel' of Exam4, we strongly recommend that you take the following steps as early as possible:

  1. Download and install Exam4 onto your device
  2. Launch Exam4 and follow the steps to start a practice exam, using one of the sample exam papers
  3. Once you have started your practice exam, either take the opportunity to answer the sample paper or leave Exam4 running for a few hours (ensuring that your device is plugged in)
  4. End the practice exam and close Exam4

What's new in Exam4?

Did you sit online ADIT exams with Exam4 before 2023? The main change that you'll likely notice when you come to sit your exam this time is that the process for opening your question paper at the start of the exam has changed.

How to start your exam

Because of the way the question paper is now accessed, on exam day you will only be able to complete your pre-exam setup at your scheduled exam start time. As it will take a couple of minutes to complete the setup, capture your exam ID and access your question paper, this means you will likely start your exam a little after your scheduled start time. However, as you have a 15-minute window in which to start your exam, this will not be a problem - as long as you open your question paper to start the exam within this 15-minute period, you will not lose any time.

For example, if you open the question paper 5 minutes after your scheduled start time, you can finish your exam 5 minutes after your scheduled finish time. We encourage you to complete your candidate checklist and make a note of the time at which you start your exam - this will help you ensure that you finish at the correct time, and get the full 3 hours 15 minutes in which to answer the questions.

Check your exam location

You can find your scheduled exam location in the candidate information email which you received on 1 May.