Kaplan Student Support

Helping you Succeed

Current status

Following updated government and institute guidance you can now book computer based exams running in Kaplan centres.


For more details about Kaplan’s ATT courses please click here

For more details about Kaplan’s CTA courses please click here

Employer Webinar Series : Support the learning journey of tax trainees. You can catch up here and access Andy Fitzsimmons, Kaplan ATT & CTA Commercial Manager presentation here. 


Our commitment to you:

“We know it's a tough time at the moment but we're here to help and support you all the way. We'd encourage you to make the most of the support and resources that we have outlined above. All the best with your studies and please get in touch with our Student Services team if you have any questions.”

Andy Fitzsimmons, Kaplan ATT and CTA Commercial Manager