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CBI calls for reform of business rates

13 Sept 2024
The Confederation of British Industry has called for an overhaul of the business rates system, including annual revaluations and a banded set of multipliers, which it says will provide stability and fairness for businesses.
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Big majority, big challenges… big tax rises? – our big read

12 Sept 2024
Our autumn 2024 scene-setter considers how the party conference season will pan out and what we can expect to see in next month’s Budget.
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SNP members back plans for further tax increases

6 Sept 2024
The Scottish National Party (SNP) conference has approved a motion backing tax increases on the wealthiest in Scotland as a senior government minister warned that further tax divergence could lead to people moving out of the country.
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CIOT/IFS debate: What should be in the business tax roadmap?

6 Sept 2024
A new business tax “roadmap” should provide “predictability” and a “clear direction of travel” to promote investment in the UK, said speakers at a joint Chartered Institute of Taxation and Institute for Fiscal Studies debate.
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Budget Responsibility Bill Committee Stage and Third Reading debate

4 Sept 2024
There was broad support across Parliament for the Budget Responsibility Bill, which gives new powers to the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) to make judgements on any major taxation or spending announcements, as the Bill passed through the House of Commons on 4 September 2024. But MPs from four different parties suggested ways the Bill could be improved.
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The tax system’s baffling complexity holds Britain back

14 Aug 2024
Endless phoneline waits, unfair clawbacks and misdirected tax-avoidance clampdowns waste business time and energy
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Budget Responsibility Bill debate: key issues and Parties stances

31 Jul 2024
On 30 July, the House of Commons debated the Budget Responsibility Bill, granting the bill a second reading without a vote. The government argued that the Bill would prevent any future government from bypassing the fiscal lock by updating the charter for budget responsibility without Parliament's consent.
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House of Lords King's Speech debate highlights tax and growth

31 Jul 2024
Peers spent five days debating the government’s programme for this session of Parliament, as set out in the King's Speech. Some peers welcomed the plan to reform the apprenticeship levy and there was some support for increases to capital gains and inheritance taxes, but Conservatives questioned how the government plans to increase growth.
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July Statement sets out plans on non-doms, school fees, tax gap

30 Jul 2024
The government has published information on a number of proposed tax reforms, including changes affecting non-doms, independent school fees and extension of the Energy Profits Levy, and announced the date of the Budget.
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MPs debate government programme after King's Speech

26 Jul 2024
Following the King’s Speech, MPs debated the government’s programme for five days in the House of Commons. Some of the key issues discussed included economic growth, the Budget Responsibility Bill, VAT on private schools and devolution. The topic of scrapping the two-child limit was also frequently raised. Conservatives accused the government of ‘downplaying’ the inherited economy to justify raising taxes, while the government argued that they would keep taxes ‘low’.
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